A Tribute to Ms. Khairunnisha in My Life

A Tribute to Ms. Khairunnisha in My Life from ICT course
Abstract from Information Computer and Technology

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Nineth Week on All About Internet

A Brief Concept....Session 1

In 1995 FNC (Federal Networking Council) came out with a definition of the term Internet. It reflected Internet as,
- a global information system
- logically linked together
- based on IP
- using TCP/IP
- used publicly or privately

[Note:  TCP - Transmission Control Protocol;  IP - Internet Protocol]

Backgrounds and History through Timeline

Internet was the result of some visionary thinking by people in the early 1960's in scientific and military fields. After that it went through and resulted as a great network system of the world:

1962 - J.R. Licklider of MIT first proposed for a global networks of computers.
1969 - ARPANET was developed by ARPA (Advanced Research and Project Agency) with four major computers at UCLA, SRI, U.Utah and UCSB.
1969 - Charley Kline at UCLA sent the first packets on ARPANETs.
1972 - E-mail was adapted by Ray Tomlinson of BBN in 1972.
1974 - The TCP/IP models are being proposed by Cerf and Kahn.
1980 - IPv4 was introduced; BITNET connected IBM Mainframes.
1983 - ARPANET adopts TCP/IP
1984 - NSFNET became the backbone network
1989 - Archiver (Index) was created for FTP sites was named Archie.
1995 - The Internet is became completely commercial.

Internet Characteristics

- A computer network consisting of a worldwide network of computers
- World-wide acceptance
- Connects people worldwide to have social network
- Continued exponential growth
- Used for Information and commercial exchange
- Dynamic 
- Self learning tool
- Increasing Quantity of Information
- Storage of Quality Information
- Safety and Security
- Access and resources not equal around the world

In addition, Internet is the largest network in the world which is also popularly known as "Information Highway." It moves your information through Cyberspace the space of elctroninc movement of ideas and information.

The Uses of Internet
- Send e-mail messages
- Upload or download files between computers
- Participate in discussion groups
- Surfing the web

Internet Applications

There are three types of internet applications:
1. Traditional Core apps:
- Email, News, Remote Login
2. The killer apps:
- WWW (World Wide Web)
3. New apps:
- Video-conferencing, internet broadcast etc.

The Underlying Technologies: OSI

OSI (Open System Interconnection) consists of Seven layers which are the following:
- Layer 1 (Physical): Hardware
- Layer 2 (Data Link): Handling errors, flow control and synchronization
- Layer 3 (Network): Switching and routing, logical paths
- Layer 4 (Transport): end-to-end system data transfer
- Layer 5 (Session): Connction between applications
- Layer 6 (Presentation): The Syntax Layer
- Layer 7 (Application): End user process

Hypertext is text which contains links to other texts. The term was coined by Ted Nelson around 1965.
It led to software such as Hypercard.

The abbreviation is Hypertext Markup Language. It uses codes or tags, to tell the browser how to display text contained in the documents.

World Wide Web
It was created by Tim Berners in 1989 to help researchers to find information through a linked texts. It used HTTP for protocol and HTML for content of pages.

At present The Web consists of information organized into web pages which contain text and graphic images. It contains hypertext links with highlighted keywords that relates to information.

Website: A collection of linked web pages that has a common theme or focus
Home Page: The main page that all other pages of a website are organized around and linked back to.

Web Browers
The current browsers like Internet Explorer has the following options:
- Browsing
- Email
- HTML Editor
- News reader
- Net Meeting
- File sharing
- Media Delivery over the web

Session 2. ISP, Configuring Internet Connection and Troubleshooting

Internet Connection
1. LAN Servers
Local Servers can provide access to the internet through normal connections (Ethernet)
2. SLIP and PPP
Serial Line Internet Protocol and Point-to-point Protocol allow dial-up connection to the internet and also transmit packets over internet.
3. ISP
Connection via online service provider like Microsoft Network which needs sign-up procedures.

Internet Service Provider (ISP)
A commercial organization with permanent connection to the internet that sells temporary connections to the subscribers.
Examples: America Online, Celcom, Maxis NET etc.

How to Create a New Dial-up Connection

Click Start on your desktop, then click control panel, double-click on network connections, and then click Create a New Connection. Click Set up my Connection manually, click next and then connect using a dial-up modem, then click next. Then type the phone number that was provided to you by your ISP. Then choose the option for shared by all users as you like. Then in the next screen type the logon information and then by clicking next and Finish end your setup process.

IP Addressing
Each computer on the internet has a unique identification number called IP Address. It is a four part number.
For example:  106.38.456.34

IP Address for blogger.com website in command prompt

Domain Name Addressing
Most web browsers use Domain Name Addressing; it is a unique name associated with a specific IP adrees by a program that runs on internet host computer. The program is called DNS (Domain Name System) software and the host computer is called Domain Name Server.
For example, arts (cultural and entertainment activities), gov (government sites) are used as domain name.

To identify web pages exact location, web browsers rely on Uniform Resource Locator (URL). It is also a four part addressing scheme which are, protocol, domain name, pathname and filename.

This is the most common transfer protocol known as Hypertext Transfer Protocol is the set of rules that the computers use to move files among computers on the internet.
Other HTTP examples: File Transfer Protocol (FTP), and Telnet Protocol

Reflections Finally:

1. This was our last chapters which gave us a brief but informative lessons from the concepts of internet.

2. We got to know about the definition, history and uses of internet.

3. We learned about OSI model which has7 layers, hypertext, HTML , WWW and web browsers.

4. In our 2nd session we were taught on types of internet connection, especially the abbreviations of SLIP, PPP and ISP.

5. We had been demonstrated on the connections and were described how the routers and modem via telephone line works. This was totally new for me.

6. I also got known about the difference between IP address and Domain name and the parts of an URL. A brief concept of HTTP also gave me idea about it.

Eighth Week on MS PowerPoint Video Presentation

Session 1...PowerPoint Basics

What is Microsoft PowerPoint 2010?

It is the latest version developed by Microsoft and being used by learners and teachers for presentation. Shortly known as MS PowerPoint, it is a part in Microsoft Office package suite. It runs on Windows and Mac OS X operating system which is truly an excellent presentation tool.

Dynamic Presentation Tool

Microsoft PowerPoint features all the editing tools as well as an impressive selection of presentation-specific options, such as transitions and animations. You can also add and edit a variety of other non-text elements, such as images, video, audio, hypertext and graphs. Microsoft PowerPoint also supports drag and drop, making adding information and interesting elements to your presentation especially easy.

It gives more ways to create exciting and dynamic presentation with various options and themes. It enables you to post presentation online and to surf it from anywhere in the world as well.

New video creating and sharing option gives the user the same opportunity to create virtual presentation like using other video editing software. It is more easier and efficient as we have been demonstrated in the class following basic steps.

Themes and Features

The following is a class assignment titled "About Myself"have submitted last week.

Creating New Slide

Go to Home tab and press new slide then click it. A drop-down bar will appear and you may choose a slide as you like.

Theme elements drop-down bar
Applying a Theme
Theme Elements - Colors, Fonts and Style
1. Go to Design tab,
2. Locate themes Themes group
3. Then use drop-down arrow to scroll down to view more themes
4. Choose and apply a theme you like

Selecting a theme for slides

Inserting Images

You may insert an image by drag and drop option or you may copy an image and then paste it onto your slide. You may insert clip art and paste screenshots on slides.

Adding an image from file inside computer

Insert Clip art through Clip Art Button

Selecting a default clip-art

Result after applying a clip-art into slide


You can apply transitions to some or all of your slides by moving to Transitions tab. There are three categories of unique transitions which are Subtle, Dynamic content and Exciting.

Transitions tab view and selecting

Modifying a transition and adding sound

After applying transition the slides are moving in professional way

WordArt and Shapes

WordArt allows the user to create stylized text with effects shadows, outlines and so on.
The user also can insert a variety of shapes such as rectangles, circles, lines and arrows etc.
To create WordArt go to insert tab and select WordArt and then apply the style you like.

Applying WordArt from insert tab

Shapes also can be chosen from same insert tab; then go to shapes and then choose the shapes you like. You may insert text inside a shape. These shapes can be used to make organizational chart, arrow direction and so on.

Applying a pentagon shape on your slide

Animation (Text and Objects)

You can find all marvelous animation for your slides to make it truly virtual. There are four types of animation effects which you can find from animation bar directly.

1. Entrance Effect
2. Emphasis Effect
3. Exit Effect
4. Motion Paths

You may click on the animation pane to edit your animation effect later on. You can select either entrance or exit effects depending on your mode.

Selecting an emphasis effect from animation tab

Working with Video

You can insert a video to your slide from insert tab then clicking on insert video button; or else you can insert it from layout video options as well. after inserting you can trim it and format it's appearance.

Inserting a video from insert tab and layout video option

Trim Video from playback tab

Audio and Sound 

If you want to insert an audio you can do so by clicking on insert tab and then insert audio option.
You can choose your audio from a file inside computer or you can download it from online.

Inserting an audio from insert tab

By going to playback button up on the menu bar, you can select options like "play across slide" or "on click".
If you want to listen music throughout your presentation, click play across slide. And also click hide during show if you want to hide it during presentation.

Audio playback options

Session 2...More on MS PowerPoint 2010

Smart Art Illustration

You can insert and use an smart art from Smart Art button in Insert tab. You can insert the graphics and can modify color and effects; you can use 3D option for more visual attraction.

Smart Art option

Create a Video

After you have finished the presentation you can go to File tab, then save and send, then click on Create a Video. you will see several options for DVD quality and HD quality video. you can choose anyone of them depending on your purpose.

And then click on Create Video button. It will take several minutes to be saved on your desired locations.

Create a Video from MS PowerPiont 2010

Finally we finished to learn the basics of MS PowerPoint 2010 and we were given an exercise to submit  the video burned in a CD/DVD. The title was about Internet and Internet Tools/Applications. We had freedom in choosing a tool or application. I chose Google Chrome, the web browser as an internet tool and included it's concept, usage and features etc.

Internet tools: example - web browser like Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox etc.
Internet Applications: example - Search Engine, messenger and etc.

The movie presentation that we did has been posted below:

Reflections Finally:

This was really a good lesson for me. I had learnt a lot of new things:

1. I learnt about inserting an audio and modifying it through playback option.

2. I also learnt how to insert a video and trim it.

3. Finally i learnt how to create a video from presentation slides in MS PowerPoint 2010. It is great and more easier than any video making software.

Seventh Week on MS Excel 2010

Session 1...Excel Basics

Microsoft Excel is a popular application software for  stuffs like spreadsheet. With spreadsheet sharing, Microsoft Excel is the ideal way of sharing, managing and analyzing information.  The ribbon-like interface caused controversy when it was first introduced, but it's much easier to navigate for beginners, since you can now see all the options instead of having them hidden away in menus.

The current versions are 2010 for Microsoft Windows and 2011 for Mac OS X.

Cell Basics

Basic Cells allow you to insert, calculate, analyze and organize data.

A basic cell includes:
- Select cells, insert content and delete cells
- a pop-up menu by right click on the cell
- cut, copy and paste cells
- drag, drop and fill cells
- Format Cells option


Modifying Columns and Rows

This will allow you to:
- Change row height and column width
- Insert and delete rows and columns
- Merge cells and Wrap Text

Wrapping Text and Merging Cells

Go to home tab and locate the button named wrap text and select a cell with contents, click the button and wrap it.

For merging cells you can search for Merge & Center button in the same Home tab and click to apply the function on selected cells.

Formating Text
- Change font, Font size
- Use the bold, italic or 
  underline commands
- Adding border
- Change the font color
- Add fill color
- Change horizontal and 
  vertical alignment

You can find all these options in home tab.

Using Formula in Excel

I have written some numbers in a column (Col D) and then gone to Col G and to add and apply a Sum function (To calculate sum of the numbers) I wrote down "=SUM" and then selected all the numbers; then I pressed Enter button and it worked! It showed me the Sum of all the numbers I selected. 

similarly I used other formula like average (by writing =AVERAGE), count (by using =COUNT), maximum and minimum (by using MAX and MIN respectively). There are a lot of other formula to calculate in spreadsheet.

To do as same to the following table at first I typed with three columns. And then to find the overall average I used =AVERAGE formula. So what I did? I clicked R8:CD and then pressed the average formula and selected R4 to R6:CD contents. finally it gave me the overall average.

To imply the 2nd table I wrote a table of two rows and two columns. Then to get overall average I used the same formula but this time I clicked D11-D12: CC-CD.

Session 2...MS Excel 2010 Advanced Skill

Pivot Tables

It's a popular theme in MS Excel which allows you to show worksheets with summarizing and manipulated data. To access pivot table go to insert tab and press pivot table which is located at the left corner of the tab.

Below is an example of Pivot Table. It shows a list of Monthly orderly amount of five salesperson in a company. Fist I drew a list and clicked the pivot table button. It showed me an empty table at the beginning. As I clicked those option and dragged into different labels in order to make the pivot table, It showed the expected contents organized in the table.