A Tribute to Ms. Khairunnisha in My Life

A Tribute to Ms. Khairunnisha in My Life from ICT course
Abstract from Information Computer and Technology

Monday 16 April 2012

Tour with the Internet and the WWW

In the World of Internet and World Wide Web :

The Difference between  the Internet and WWW:

Major Networking and Computing Technologies : Chronological Order

Internet and WWW at Present : An Overview

The graph on your right shows the current situation of connectivity world wide. We can easily understand almost the whole world now having coverage of internet.

On your right, it's an statistic showing number of Websites reached over 165000000 in 2008.

A Web-based System : 

- Uses Dynamic Class Loader and Security Manager to compute server
- Clients are Applet, CGI script, stand-alone
- it also has Logging facilities
- It has searching facilities for computing resources

Internet Infrastructure :

The internet infrastructure include cable and wireless both the networks. It includes the server, user, computer and networks of computer.

Internet is such a system that allows user to send instant message globally.

How Instant Messaging works

Trends in the Internet and WWW

All About Web 2.0 :

Features :  - Use network as a platform as it deliver or receive applications thoroughly via a browser.
                - Users gets, manipuates and cntrolled the data on the site.
                - User can edit or add value to the application according to their requirement.
                - A rich, interactive and user-friendly interface.
                - Enhanced graphical interfaces which is absent in so-called Web 1.0.

Web 2.0 Elements
Categories of Web 2.0 Sites :

There are three categories of Web 2.0 Sites :

1. Social Networking
2. Mashups
3. Aggreators

Social Networking Sites : Web 2.0

Reflections Finally :

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